Skelanimals Wiki
Skelanimals Wiki

Carrie is a horse skelanimal, possibly introduced in 2008. Her favorite scary movie is “Born Free.” Carrie likes being cared for. She

likes being groomed and pampered. She doesn’t feel she’s spoiled, she just likes those things and feels she deserves them. If you’re willing to give her what she wants, she’ll love you forever.

How She Became A Skelanimal[]

Carrie the pony’s pranks were grievous

Like all ponies are, the girl was mischievous

One day she decided “I’ll go to the zoo,”

“And let all the tigers loose, it’ll be cool!”

Sadly for Carrie, she wasn’t that quick

She’s gone and the tigers are smacking their lips.

Old version:[]

Carrie would dance and prance with great ease

Her movements so graceful they would appease All the tourists who came to see This purebred mare of gallantry

Proud was she of her disposition That she failed to notice her hoof's position.

Snap! Was the sound that echoed around As she slipped in a small deep hole in the ground No more dancing and prancing for Carrie, you see As they took her for a ride to the glue factory…


Carrie doesn’t make many appearances, unfortunately.


